Deer Tiffany

Head wraps are a common element in my work, and this time was no different. However, for this particular project, I decided to add a unique twist by incorporating a stick protruding from the top of Tiffany's head. It's an interesting play on the word "Deer" as one of the images reminded me of one. The entire process of creating these images was a lot of fun. We were fortunate to have access to natural light in the barn, which added a wonderful ambiance with heavy shadows. Additionally, we ventured outside and explored other structures, adding variety and depth to the photo session.

The use of head wraps can be an excellent way to elevate the darkness to any photo shoot. It's a play on the pain we carry with us adds a touch of creativity and storytelling to the images. By incorporating the stick on Tiffany's head, the photos take on a playful and imaginative character, evoking the imagery of a deer with antlers. This clever concept demonstrates how small elements can make a significant impact on the overall depth of the photographs.

As we got to the end of the photo shoot, our attention turned to the bandages, and a word to adorn them seemed fitting. UGLY became the unanimous choice, not because Tiffany embodied such a description, but rather as a poignant reminder that we all experience moments of self-doubt and insecurity. Our perception of ourselves and the world can become distorted, leading us to believe that we are less worthy or attractive than we truly are. I struggle with this often. The weight of this negativity can consume our souls, leaving us feeling undeserving and isolated, even when others see our beauty. It serves as a powerful symbol of the inner struggles we face and the importance of acknowledging our own self-worth and beauty amidst the chaos of life.

Overall, the process of creating these head wrap images with the added creative element was a delightful and memorable experience. It highlights how photography can be both an art form and a collaborative effort, where ideas and inspirations can come to life through the lens. The combination of natural light, bandaged head wrap, and the exploration of various locations ensured that the final results were not only visually inspiring but also told a captivating and imaginative story.

In conclusion, it is crucial to recognize that seeking help and support is a natural and necessary part of life. We all face challenges and hardships at various points in our journey, and attempting to tackle them alone can be overwhelming. Instead, we should actively seek out those supportive individuals who genuinely care about our well-being and are willing to lend a listening ear and a helping hand. By opening up and being transparent about our struggles, we allow ourselves the opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering a sense of empathy and understanding. Remember, you are not alone in your struggles, and there is strength in vulnerability. Embrace the support of your loved ones and trusted friends, for they can provide the comfort and guidance needed to navigate life's obstacles with courage and resilience. Together, we can create a supportive network that empowers us to face challenges head-on and embrace the collective strength of human compassion.


Abandoned with Maren


Dana - Twice in two days